VTEX is The Enterprise Digital Commerce Platform. We provide a headless, API-first and cloud-based commerce platform that allows you to scale and grow your business with flexibility, customization and easy-to-plug-in functionalities. More than that, though, VTEX is the technology partner you can trust.
Evidently, you would read this here; you are on a VTEX site, after all. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Rather, you can have a look at what VTEX customers have to say: from a brand survey sent to our customers in August 2021, the top reason they pointed out as to why they selected VTEX software for their ecommerce operations was trust*, simply and clearly.

Additionally, in our VTEX Brand Health Tracking Survey*, the vast majority of our users “Strongly Agree[d]” with the statement “VTEX is a trusted brand” and collectively expressed that “Trust” was the top positive feeling associated with VTEX. As of January 2022, more than 2,500 online stores trust that we are and will be there for them.

Something else users of The Enterprise Digital Commerce Platform have agreed on is that we not only inspire confidence amongst our customers, but that we are able to preserve and nurture this trust that is placed on our partnership. And that is why the most common reason as to why our customers choose to renew their contract with VTEX and remain utilising our product is our Customer Service**.
It is clear that our brand is trusted. But what happens behind the scenes so that VTEX Commerce Platform ensures safety and security to customers and users?
The truth is, there is no behind the scenes. Which is why we created the VTEX Trust Hub — a website where VTEX Legal, Compliance and Security information is publicly available and it is more than a demonstration of the safety and security of our platform. It is proof of how the individuals that make up our entire organization, whether in Product, Sales or Customer Excellence, work day and night and put security and privacy first to keep VTEX customers and those browsing their sites secure.
Our platform, our employees and our commitment to security and privacy is what allows us to earn our customers’ trust everyday, and you can learn all about it on the VTEX Trust Hub.
*VTEX Brand Health Tracking, August 2021
**VTEX Messaging Refresh CX Survey August 2021