Digital Insider

Digital Insider: A digital transformation podcast

Andreea Pop
Andreea Pop September 28, 2021
Digital Insider: A digital transformation podcast

Commerce and podcasts enthusiasts, rejoice! VTEX is thrilled to officially announce Digital Insider, its first globally-produced podcast series centered on the digitalization of retail. As its name promises, Digital Insider brings you fresh insights into digital transformation, business management and retail trends straight from the source: business leaders, academics and thinkers. 

A podcast for the ages

Powered by VTEX, hosted by Bernardo Lemgruber and produced by Alessandro Pavan, the bi-weekly Digital Insider podcast series has a chameleonic scope, aiming to touch upon plenty of different yet interconnected topics. Esteemed guests will offer their perspectives, practical advice, thought processes and relevant lessons from successes and failures alike, equipping business owners and professionals with the necessary knowledge to embrace digital transformation more comfortably. 

Why digital transformation, you ask? Because reports have shown that over 90% of companies were impacted in customer volumes by the COVID-19 pandemic. Going digital is one of the solutions not only to address this setback, but also to future-proof a business. 

Digital Insider is our boldest content initiative yet. It’s not merely a retail podcast or a business podcast — we want the emphasis to be on digital transformation, because the future rests on digital. But with so many changes happening at lightning speed, that transformative process can be daunting, so we’re hoping listeners will obtain a bit of guidance and inspiration into how to achieve that digital future. As the digital commerce platform for enterprises and one of the leaders of the global commerce industry, VTEX is fortunate enough to have access to some exceptional individuals and it is a pride and joy to be able to share their wisdom with a wider audience

Bernardo Lemgruber, Head of Content Marketing at VTEX

Indeed, Digital Insider has the mission to educate and foment the discussion around ecommerce trends and digitalization, a goal perfectly aligned with a central VTEX milestone: fostering in people the curiosity about digital commerce.

Digital Insider episodes, now live

Luckily for you, Digital Insider episodes are already up and running, waiting to be devoured. You can binge-listen to the first four episodes of the podcast on or any streaming platform such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Listen Notes

Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll be listening to:

Episode 01: Guilherme Lebelson, VP of Direct-to-Consumer at ZX Ventures / AB InBev and Co-Founder of Zé Delivery

We all know and love AB InBev and the many beverages it delights us with. What you might not be aware of, however, is the ground-breaking shift happening inside the CPG giant towards direct-to-consumer operations and technological innovation. One such innovation is Zé Delivery, a solution that delivers cold beer in 45 minutes straight to your door — at fair prices. Lebelson, a veteran inside the company, will bring you up to speed on that and many others.

Companies are realizing that whoever owns the relationship with the consumer will have a clear advantage. Even the financial markets are telling you that; the valuation that you get when you have a straight line to the consumer is remarkably different. That’s critical, because you need the data, you need the understanding of this consumer to keep serving better and better.

Guilherme Lebelson, VP of Direct-to-Consumer at ZX Ventures / AB InBev and Co-Founder of Zé Delivery

Episode 02: Thales Teixeira, Co-Founder of and former Lumry Family Associate Professor at Harvard Business School

Professor Thales Teixeira taught for 10 years at Harvard Business School, where he also published an illuminating case study on the digital transformation of Magazine Luiza, a giant Brazilian retailer. He also founded digital disruption consultancy In this episode, he’s diving deep into the topic of digital disruption.

Business is not an art, there are methods and techniques that many academics and consultants and executives have created to identify the core problems of their business models. And sometimes I feel like I’m a plumber: I go to my clients to help them find the leak, which is the difference between how much value your company creates for your client, and then how much value you actually capture

Thales Teixeira, Co-Founder of and former Lumry Family Associate Professor at Harvard Business School

Episode 03: Cristian Serrano, Ecommerce General Manager of the Americas Region at Tekmovil 

Tekmovil is a technology distribution company managing brands such as Xiaomi, Bang & Olufsen, Acer and Kodak in B2C and B2B channels across the Americas. Before joining Tekmovil, Cristian handled the ecommerce operations of brands such as Martí and Under Armour. Unsurprisingly, he has an abundance of advice to share and you can gobble it all up in the third episode of Digital Insider. 

Sometimes, the word ‘fail’ is too harsh, because it’s just a mistake. You’re not going to fail if you’re unsuccessful with one strategy, but you’ll have a lot of insights which you can use. Then, you need to try again and again and again — it’s constant A/B testing.

Cristian Serrano, Ecommerce General Manager of the Americas Region at Tekmovil

Episode 04: Dan Goldman, Head of Strategy at Gap Inc. 

With a long history in brand management and strategy, Dan Goldman joins Digital Insider to share his thoughts on the evolution of ecommerce, direct-to-consumer retail and the digital maturity of the fashion industry. The latter subject in particular is very closely related to his current role at American brand Gap Inc., so you’re in for some great insights. 

For any brand that aspires to be more consumer-centric and really wants to develop a stronger emotional connection with its consumers, consumer feedback is gold in terms of meeting and exceeding their expectations.

Dan Goldman, Head of Strategy at Gap Inc. 

Upcoming episodes

If these three episodes have piqued your interest, you should definitely follow Digital Insider on your chosen platform and keep an eye (or should we say ear?) out — more digital transformation stories are on the way! 

Zia Daniell Widger, Senior VP of Content at Insider Intelligence, is already lined up. More special guests will join the conversation soon, providing new doses of thought leadership. The only missing piece of the puzzle is you, so don’t forget to tune in!

For any questions, requests and invites, please reach out to the Digital Insider team at

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