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Transforming the B2B Distribution Market in Digital Commerce

Jordan Jewell
Jordan Jewell August 12, 2024
Transforming the B2B Distribution Market in Digital Commerce

Part 2 of our MasterB2B Fireside Chat episode delves deeper into the ongoing digital transformation in traditional B2B sectors. If you missed Part 1, check it out here.

The conversation features insights from Michael Von Bodungen, US general manager at VTEX, and Rama Theekshidar, Chief Digital Officer at USESI, as they explore the nuanced dynamics of change management and the critical role of customer experience in digital initiatives.

Integrating Daily Change Management

Rama emphasizes the necessity of integrating change management into daily operations rather than allocating a specific percentage of time to it. He describes every meeting as a potential brainstorming session, underscoring the importance of regular engagement with various team members across the organization. “It’s a daily job for the digital team to be collaborating on a regular, frequent basis,” Rama states, highlighting that successful transformation requires constant interaction and responsiveness to emerging challenges.

Creating Urgency and Measuring Success

Addressing the creation of urgency, Rama compares organizational transformation to responding to an emergency, suggesting that recognizing a crisis can galvanize action across the board. In terms of measuring success, he stresses the importance of defining clear metrics that reflect the current state of the business, setting the stage for measurable improvement. “It’s important that we have the data for day one. If you don’t have the data for day one, you can’t measure anything,” he explains, advocating for a grounded approach to tracking progress.

Choosing VTEX and Embracing a Visionary Platform

Rama’s decision to partner with VTEX was driven by their shared visionary outlook and the platform’s robust capabilities, which align with USESI’s strategic goals. He praised VTEX’s leadership and their commitment to future-proofing their services, which he finds crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. “For me, if I want to have a vision, I want to make sure the product or the technology I’m going to buy is as visionary or more visionary than I can be,” Rama notes, highlighting the importance of pace and quality in their digital transformation journey.

Practical Benefits of VTEX’s Composable Architecture

Discussing the technical aspects, Rama appreciates the composable and flexible nature of VTEX’s platform, which allows for significant customization without needing a large development team. This flexibility is crucial for integrating various business functions seamlessly and adapting quickly to changing business needs.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Customer Needs and Innovation

Rama critiques the overreliance on direct customer feedback in product development, advocating for a more proactive approach. By anticipating customer needs and market trends, USESI aims to innovate ahead of explicit customer demands, ensuring it delivers solutions that truly enhance efficiency and productivity.

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