Better SEO Practices Using VTEX Native Tools
Also known as Search Engine Optimization, SEO is a set of practices for indexing and ranking on search engines like Google and Yahoo. These techniques involve details in coding of the pages of a virtual store, and are responsible for improving the organic ranking of certain key words.
This VTEXbook provides information to facilitate the implementation of an affiliate commercial model at VTEX. It contains a description of VTEX functions that are customized and used.
This book is intended for both system specialists who will evaluate the product’s capabilities, and for system programmers who will plan for, install, and customize the product. The concepts of TCP/IP for MVS and the tasks required to make the product operational are illustrated by numerous practical examples. The reader is assumed to have a basic proficiency in VTEX and know how of e-commerce.
To download the material for free, please click here!
Project’s advisor: João Teixeira (VTEX)
Authors: Cinthia Cabrini (Admake), Jéssica Marinho (Admake), Letícia Rico (Conversion), Hugo Samuel (Conversion)
Special thanks: Érick Herrera (Maeztra Consultoria)