Commerce digital

VTEX nommé Visionnaire dans le Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Commerce 2022

Jonathan Britel
Jonathan Britel août 17, 2022
VTEX nommé Visionnaire dans le Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Commerce 2022

VTEX has been named a Visionary for the third year in a row in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Commerce, proving that our unique vision to deliver a connected commerce ecosystem is recognized by  Gartner and that our platform is core to our customers’ success.

VTEX is positioned as a Visionary because we are challenging the status quo of legacy commerce technology and providers through our innovation, our modern platform architecture and approach to headless and composable commerce and our ability to quickly adapt to help customers take on new business and market demands. In the report, Gartner cites VTEX key strengths as:

  • A comprehensive platform, offering commerce, order management, marketplace, search and personalization, headless CMS and VTEX IO all in a single offering for B2B and B2C organizations.
  • An ecosystem of partners located in Latin America and North America that is larger than other vendors featured in the Magic Quadrant.
  • A track record of innovation including Live Shopping, conversational commerce, marketplace seller network and in-store selling of third-party products to name a few.

As the dynamics between buyer and seller evolve and new sales channels emerge, merchants need both speed and flexibility to keep pace. VTEX strengths, as identified by Gartner – comprehensive platform, MACH architecture (Microservice-based, API-first, Cloud-native, Headless) and serverless development platform – empower merchants with the flexibility of a headless approach and the speed of a pre-integrated solution. 

In the report, Gartner opens a window to what the future of commerce will look like, stating “by 2025, organizations offering a unified commerce experience by frictionlessly moving customers through journeys will see at least a 20% uplift in total revenue.” As a digital commerce Visionary, VTEX is ideally suited to help merchants deliver the unified commerce experiences that Gartner predicts will drive growth and separate merchants from competition.

To read about what Gartner believes the future of commerce holds and to learn why VTEX is named a Visionary, access a complimentary copy of the full Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Commerce report here.

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